The man-machine interface can conveniently be used to control the state of the system, and it can process real-time experiment inspecting and data storage and data inquiry. 并且此系统的人机对话界面可以方便地实现控制状态的设定,可以进行实时的实验监控和数据存储以及数据查询。
Man-machine interface modules such as G-code manual input module-convenient for manual operation, insight for working state, input of G-code and so on. 数控代码手动输入等人机界面模块&方便手动操作、了解加工状态和数控代码输入等。
In this paper, man-machine engineering in the design of the geological apparatus and equipment in condition of the geological apparatus present state are put forward. 本文针对我国地质仪器的现状,提出了地质仪器与装备设计中的一些人机工程问题。
As the human-computer interaction is considered, the touch screen is used as man-machine interface. The operation of the state and process was visible and controllable via the design of professional software. 在人机交互方面,本系统采用触摸屏作为人机界面,通过专业软件的设计使得运行的各个状态和过程可见、可控。